The Fool’s Way or Wisdom

We live in a society of “do it your way”.  People talk about “your truth vs. my truth.”  The Bible tells us that only fools follow their own way.  When it comes to advice, we find what we want to hear.  Those who know Jesus Christ have the ministry of the Holy Spirit to guide them to wisdom.  We have the discernment to know wise counsel.  I hope to keep learning what God wants and look less at what I want.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to continue to seek your way.  I want true wisdom and wise counsel.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Speech or Silence

I have often thought about when to speak up and when to be quiet.  I think we prefer the speaking side of that discussion.  Proverbs gives us a view of when talking isn’t good.  If the evil man would keep his mouth shut, he would be better off.  On the flip side the innocent don’t have trouble.  It makes me wonder what they have or haven’t said.

 Verse 14 talks about working and enjoying the results of that hard work. I think some of that hard work is related to figuring out when and how to speak.  Reading God’s Word and praying are two tools I use to help me in that area.  

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You again for the wisdom in Your Word.  Please guide my words that I might be Your tool to draw others closer to You. 

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Bread and Sense

After reading this verse the first time, I thought that this has an obvious message.  While the message is plainly stated I wondered what “worthless pursuits” would be.  Too often appropriate activities become worthless pursuits when we let them become more important than God.  We need to consistently work on our priorities. 

Hard work provides for our needs.  Focusing on God shows wisdom.  A win-win situation.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to set priorities that honor You.  Please help me to be good example of the provisions hard work brings.  Thank You for all You do.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good. 

Smart vs. Stupid

I know in many settings (frequently with children), the word stupid has been outlawed.  I understand.  I still remember as a child giving and receiving that word in hurtful ways.  While the word can be abused, I think we need to seek to use the word stupid in its proper context.

Proverbs 12:1 tells us that “he who hates reproof is stupid”.  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary stupid means “given to unintelligent decisions or actsacting in an unintelligent or careless manner” and “lacking intelligence or reason”.  

Discipline is not fun (Hebrews 12:11).  However, the Bible tells us that the love of discipline is the love of knowledge.  Discipline is a teaching tool.  We need to be willing to learn what sin issues are in our lives.  We need to be willing to make changes.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for providing discipline to help us change our lives.  Please help us to encourage one another towards wisdom and knowledge. 

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.