Is Obedience Exciting?

The book of Romans begins with the apostle Paul sharing who he is in Jesus Christ.  Identity is a big deal in society today. There is a lot of confusion and hurt surrounding this topic.  Some of that confusion has made its way into the church.  We want to find our identity in our looks, our jobs, or our personalities rather than our identity in Jesus Christ. 

Identity in Christ means giving up my own identity. It requires obedience. It points only to God and ignores me (John 3:30). I think in an individualistic society we want too much of ourselves. I wonder if we find individualism more exciting than obeying Christ.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of Paul. Please help us to obey for the sake of Your name.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Despite Our Sin

Ephesians 2 starts out bleak.  It talks about how believers in Christ used to be dead in sin.  I’m thankful for verses 4-5 that talk about the amazing mercy of God.  Despite our sin, God provided a way through Jesus to give us life.  Now all we need to do is remember this truth as we live day to day life.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your mercy and grace.  Please help me to remember this truth and share this with others.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.


This verse tells us about one object of the immeasurable power of God.  As a believer, I have access to this power.  This passage doesn’t give a lot of specifics.  I know God does this on purpose.  I walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7).  I don’t always get to see the specifics.  I simply need to ask God as Paul did to learn “what is the immeasurable greatness of His power”.  Knowing how great God is, this power is amazing.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving Your immeasurable power to those of us who believe.  Please help me to claim that power in humility that I might serve You better.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.


Ephesians 1 is loaded with expressions of God’s generosity.  I like verse 18 – as we follow what Ephesians 1 has been talking about we will have our “hearts enlightened”.  The “what” is the hope and riches that God promises.  I think sometimes we have the wrong kind of hope and the wrong kind of riches in mind.  God is more interested in the eternal and we end up getting stuck in the temporal.  My desire is to continue studying Scripture to learn about the “whats” in Ephesians 1:18. At least as much as is possible in this life.  I expect to learn by leaps and bounds in the next life.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the many blessings I can learn about from Your Word.  Please guide me as I learn the “what” You tell us about in this verse.  Help me to share this with others.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.