Easter Reflections

Since this is Easter weekend, I wanted to write something about Jesus death, burial and resurrection. There are so many beautiful truths in the Easter story.

Today I want to look at the negative and positive. First the negative:

Jesus endured horrible pain, because each of us has chosen sin. We are not able to pay the penalty that sin causes (Romans 6:23).

If the Easter story ended with Jesus death on the cross, then we would only have the negative. Death. However, Jesus rose from the dead. He conquered death and pain.

The joy of Easter Sunday is in remembering Jesus is alive! He broke the chains of sin and death. Now we have great cause for rejoicing!

I pray you know the joy and triumph of Easter.

Moments vs. Things

Those who have read my blog know I like telling stories about “little things”. These are blessings that can seem small, but have a big impact on my life.

My “little things” stories are the moments I am collecting. Things can be fun, but moments have greater value.

“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:20‭-‬21 ESV

Little Things, Big Smiles

One of these days, I am going to sound like a broken record. I don’t mind. I listened to records as a child and I know the sound well.

God has impressed on me the power of little things. Both positive and negative.

This “little thing” story is from my church. I have a friend who often greets me before Sunday School. She uses my name and has a big smile on her face. One might think of this as a little thing, but I feel so special and important when I hear her cheery voice. She brings a smile to my face.

Oh, friends, I pray that you see the benefit of the little things. If God leads, please follow. You can help someone in a big way with something as simple as a smile and a hello.

Pleading in Prayer

When I started my WordPress blog, I debated what to call it.  As I thought about a blog name, I knew that God had been teaching me about prayer and going to Him for everything.

Philippians 4:6-7 is painted on my living room wall.  The general idea of those verses is to worry about nothing, pray about everything, and you will have peace.

Pray about everything.  I had used Philippians 4:6-7 as my go to verse for big decisions (such as when I bought my house).  However, I have been learning how much prayer I need for everything in life.  I cannot succeed at anything unless I have Christ as my foundation.  When I spend more time in prayer, I am more in tune with God.

Being in tune with God makes a beautiful melody.

Wise Gentleness vs. Foolish Anger

I recently read James 3:13 and was struck by the concept of “the gentleness that wisdom brings”. People who are truly wise have a Biblical confidence which is expressed by a gentle spirit. The opposite is true about those who are foolish. Abraham Lincoln said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”. The foolish speak with a brashness that shows a lack of wisdom. I know it can be hard to remain silent and there are times we need to speak up. The wise will speak with gentleness.

I want to seek gentle, Biblical wisdom. Nothing else is truly wise.