Boldly Ask

We live in a world with many needs. The economy isn’t great, politics stink, families have struggles. Let’s face it – we have a mess. I am thankful that God provides help. If you read Hebrews 4:14-15 you will find that the help is meant for our weaknesses. Jesus was tempted in every way we are. He can sympathize with our struggle. His ability to avoid sin gives me more encouragement about His help. I just need to go boldly to Him to ask for help. I will receive compassion and kindness from the One Who died for me. This will help my weakness.

Dear Heavenly Father, we have so many struggles. Please remind us to come boldly to ask for help. Thank You that you will give generously.

I pray this in Jesus name.

God is so good.

It Is Too Easy to Faint

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I have given up more times than I can count. I am thankful God doesn’t give up. God gives us what we need to know in His word about how to do good and not grow weary.

I could write this blog for 100 years and not come close to covering what the Bible says. My hope is to encourage my readers to go to the Bible. We should spend our lives reading and studying what God has given. Not just a simple reading, but a prayerful consideration of the depths of knowledge available to us.

Dear Heavenly Father, we are weak and need the strength You provide to keep doing good in our weariness. We are tired and faint so easily. Please help us to live according to the strength You provide through the encouragement and commands in Your word.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.


Welcome to 2024. In recent years, I have chosen a word for the year. I don’t always keep my blog posts to my word, but I try to stay close to the theme.

We live in difficult times. There are some specific situations friends and family have faced, but I also know we all need encouragement. My hope with this blog has been to encourage others to look to God’s Word for everything we need in life. God has given us all we need (2 Peter 1:3).

I pray this year that we spend more time focusing on Who God is and see the peace and hope He gives to us. Today’s verse talks about peace in believing and hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. I don’t think I want to live this year with anything else in the front of my mind.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the peace and hope You give. Please help us to focus on Your Word and the help You give.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Weak Groanings

 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 27 And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called he also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

Last week I talked about how I must believe that God will give wisdom. I know that can be a weakness for me. I am thankful for this passage in Romans that tells me the Holy Spirit intercedes for me when I don’t know what to pray. He gives support to help in my greatest time of need.

I know there are times that my faith can be weak. God has provided help for those of us who have trusted in Jesus Christ. God gives what I need.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Spirit to help me when I don’t know how to pray. I cling to that promise. May Your name be praised for this marvelous gift.

I praise this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Fear and Shame

The last three weeks I have had to fight fear over a “lump” that I found. This felt similar to what I had 2 ½ years ago. I had visions of surgery and potentially other treatment. As I made diagnostic appointments (and waited about 1 ½ weeks to go to the appointments), I chose this verse. There is worry involved in medical issues. I had to pray my way through allowing God whatever He chose.

Praise the Lord, he allowed me to only have 2 cysts and a non-malignant spot. No surgery or medical treatment needed. I am grateful for God’s kindness in allowing this news.

I have prayed many times in recent years that I am willing and able to endure whatever God asks of me. I was wrestling with that prayer before finding out the prognosis. I appreciate these verses. Seeking God helps deliver us from our fears. I know that I can feel shame as I wrestle with my fears – verse 5 reminds us that we can be radiant and unashamed as we look to God.

The simple reminder is to seek God and I can be delivered. The difficult reality is that I need to keep working hard to give my fears and worries to God and leave them there. I am glad God is patient and kind in providing for my weakness.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for closing this chapter in health issues. Please help me to continue to give all of my fears to You. Please help me to encourage others to do the same.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.