Running to God in Faith

I grieve that so many in the world do not know about God or have a twisted view of who He really is.  Having the opportunity to please God through drawing near Him in faith is a great reward.  I have battled a difficult year.  Surgery in April and a year of supply chain issues {big effect on my job) is not something I would choose.  However, God has a plan for my life that includes drawing me closer to Him.  I can fight His plan or run to Him.  I can assure you, running to God is so much better than fighting against His way.

Dear Heavenly Father, when life is tough my first response is to run away.  I struggle when things are hard, but I know Your grace is strong enough to bring me through tough times.  Thank You for providing a way for me to draw near to You.  Thank You that You want me to draw close to You.  I am in awe of Your love.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Praise for Daily Help

I survived another week working smack dab in the middle of supply chain.  Things are still crazy due to the upheaval over the last year and a half.  And no, supply chain professionals aren’t going to fix it all.  When you look at many of the reasons behind the issues, we don’t have control over those things.  But I digress.

The reality, no matter the reasons, is that life is still tough.  I am so thankful that God is willing and able to hold me up throughout the challenges I face.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through another challenging week.  I praise You for the salvation You have so freely given.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

A Good Word

We have seen so many forms of anxiety in the last year and a half.  Life has been challenging.  However, there are many forms of help available.  I have been amazed at how powerful positive words can be.  Unfortunately, negative words can have a strong affect also.

I think if we were to give a “good word” more often, we would be amazed at the affects.  I received several “good words” after I shared my health diagnosis earlier this year.  I still have cards posted on my living room wall.  The sentiments in them are so encouraging.  I recently did some digging to find similar cards.  I want to be an encourager.  I know firsthand how beneficial it can be.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the many encouraging words that I have received.  I pray that You would help all of us to find ways to share good words to each other.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Being Prepared for the Storms

Getting a negative health diagnosis can send just about anyone into a tailspin.  However, when we spend the “good” times getting prepared (building a house on a proper foundation), we will be much better prepared when something goes wrong.  Today’s verse talks about those who hear the words that Jesus spoke (or in our case read the words) will be like the wise man who was prepared.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for providing preparation for life’s storms through Your word. Please help us to keep going to You whether life is good or bad.  Your foundation is the only one that is solid.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

When I Feel Alone

Last week I wrote about never being alone.  It is true – when a person places their trust in Christ, they will never be alone.  However, there are tough times when we feel alone.  We need to remember that we should be seeking God on a daily basis.  God holds on to us, but also asks us to seek Him.

The next time you are feeling alone, think about how much you have been seeking Christ.  If you have – keep seeking Him.  If you have not – start seeking Him today.  He will allow you to find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us to seek You.  Thank You that it is possible to find You.  Please help me to continually seek You.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.