Happy 2023

Hello Friends, welcome to 2023 (tomorrow).  Each year I pick a theme for my blog.  2022 was wisdom/fear of God.  I spent much of the year in Proverbs.  For 2023 I want to focus on a Biblical self-image.  We live in a society that has an “it’s all about me” attitude.   We have added pressure on ourselves to measure up to an impossible and very selfish standard.  The Bible is the only place for us to gain freedom from this prison.

Most of my audience are people who claim a relationship with God based on the gospel (good news) of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection.  We need to make sure our life focus is based in the Bible.  I hope to help with that in my weekly posts.

Dear Heavenly Father, please guide me to share the truth of who we are in Christ.  Please let my words direct people to You.  Thank You for all You will do in the coming year.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

A Faithful Servant’s Praise

This verse talks about a woman named Anna who served in the temple.  When she heard that Jesus (the Messiah) was born, she started giving thanks and telling people about Jesus.  She is a good example for us all year round, but we tend to only talk about her with the Christmas story.  I hope to think about her example in the coming year.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of Anna.  Please help me to give thanks and tell others of the redemption that came with Jesus.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas Joy

The story of Christmas is one that brings great joy.  I fear that we are more stuck on short term happiness than long term joy.  The truth of Christmas starts with the fact that we are sinners and need a Savior. Jesus came to be born as a baby and then grew to be a man who died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  I believe most of my readers know this and have placed their trust in Jesus to save them from their sins.  This should bring us joy.  However, the sin nature is still active and brings struggle.

Despite the difficulties of life, the Christmas story should bring us back to joy.  Joy for the ultimate gift that Jesus’ birth brought.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus.  Thank You that we can have joy through trusting Your Son.  Please help us to put our own selfishness aside and bring us back to the joy that You provide.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

More Christmas Praise

Shepherds were not considered the elite of society.  However, God chose to share the good news of Jesus’ birth with them.  Luke 2:20 tells us of the shepherds rejoicing and giving glory to God.  They are a good example for us.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus’ to a humble birth.  Thank You for the example of the shepherds giving You glory.  You deserve all the honor and glory.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Praise at Christmas

The Bible gives many verses of praise to God.  I appreciate the ones in the Christmas story.  When Jesus was born as a human baby, there was much joy.  In Luke 2:14, we hear what the angels said in praise to God. 

The Bible tells us that if we do not praise God, even the “stones will cry out” (Luke 19:40).  However, in this case God sent angels.  I want to include my voice with the angels. 

Glory to God!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of the angels praising You.  I want to praise and thank You for Who You are and all You have done.  Glory!

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.