
We live in a world that seems to think “It’s all about me.” Sadly, even believers fall into this trap. We need to spend time with God daily asking Him to show us what we are selfishly holding back. If we do something good for our own benefit instead of the glory of God, I think we contradict this verse. Every part of our lives should be for our Heavenly Father.

This is easy to say, but hard to do. That is why we need to daily go to God to ask for help glorifying Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to do everything for Your honor and glory. We know you are deserving of glory. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to glorify you.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Praying to Grow

Those who have trusted in Jesus Christ have the opportunity to grow and mature. I appreciate Paul’s statement in verse 9 that he and Timothy are consistently praying for the believers in Colossae. Pray should be step number one in our spiritual maturity. We should pray to be “filled with the knowledge of His will” for ourselves and others. Then, we need to seek knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding.

The purpose? To “walk worthy of the Lord.” He is worthy to be pleased and we get to grow by “bearing fruit in every good work”. There is no greater purpose.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving the gift of prayer. Please help us to look to the knowledge and wisdom You have given. Please guide us to the greatest purpose of bearing fruit to please You.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Worthy and Worthwhile

We live in a world who wants worth to be whatever we want it to be. The truth is our value is because we are made in the image of God. There is no greater worth that people can know.

I typically write this blog for people who have a personal relationship with God. I wonder if anyone reads who doesn’t know what it is like to know who God really is. There are many ways to learn about God – there is only one to know Him personally. If you want to learn more start reading the book of Mark in the Bible. See who Jesus is. He can be trusted – the Bible can be trusted. You will learn the truth. If something is confusing ask God to help and find a church that can teach you the Bible. I can assure you that the greatest joy you can find is knowing who God really is.

Dear Heavenly Father, I’m not sure who will read this post or what they will do with this. I pray that someone will choose to find out Who You are. Please help me to share the truth of the gospel with others including reminding those who know You to continue to trust in You each day.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.

Worthy of the Gospel

We live in an age where everyone is considered “worthy”. Webster’s dictionary defines worthy as “having worth or value”. We all want to be valuable. In Philippians 1:27, we are told to walk worthy of the gospel. The second part of the verse tells us how to be worthy. We need to stand firm in unity for the sake of the gospel. Everything in our lives need to point back to the good news of Jesus Christ.

I wonder if we would have more value if more of our lives were lived for the sake of the gospel.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the instructions You give in Your word. Please help us to live unified for the sake of the gospel. We need You to guide us.

I pray this in Jesus’ name.

God is so good.